The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Rubel acquitted from Happy's case

The Dhaka Times Desk Rubel was acquitted of Happy's case. The tribunal dismissed Happy's objection against the final report filed by the police in the case filed against Rubel Hossain and released Rubel on Wednesday. Read more…

Happy demanded to do Rubel's DNA test

The Dhaka Times Desk The Rubel-Happy issue has created a stir in the entertainment world of Bangladesh for the past one week. Happy's forensic report has already been released. Although there was evidence of rape, there was no evidence of who did it. So this time Rubel's DNA test...

Rubel's confidence-boosting hat-trick [VIDEO]

In his five-year international career, many of Rubel's teammates have made it to the team permanently with their performances, but that has not been possible for Rubel. But yesterday, along with a hat-trick, all expectations were fulfilled by bringing Bangladesh a 43-run win with six wickets.
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