The Dhaka Times
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Ishaana's new drama 'Sahesh'

The Dhaka Times Desk Earlier, actress Ishana Khan acted in serial drama directed by film director Dewan Nazmul. This time, Ishana has started working on a new series 'Sahesh' written by this director and directed by Sanjeev Das. To know more…

The main step of good friendship

The Dhaka Times Desk We all want a good friend, but what are the qualities one must possess to make oneself a good friend? To make yourself a good friend you need to acquire the following qualities first. Read more...

How to improve mother-in-law relationship: The mother-in-law episode

The Dhaka Times Desk One of the problems of all families in Bangladesh is psychological war with wife and mother-in-law behind or in front. Although the wife and mother-in-law have to live together in the same house through equality, and here if the relationship is hostile instead of harmony, then instead of happiness in the world, there will be chaos...
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