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The first temporary capital of Bangladesh was the historic Meherpur-Mujibnagar

On February 26, 1984, Meherpur was separated from Kushtia and given the status of an independent district.

The Dhaka Times Desk Meherpur District is an administrative region of Khulna Division in central Bangladesh. Meherpur witnessed several early battles between the Pakistan Army and the freedom fighters during the Liberation War. On March 26, 1971, the first ever command of the Liberation War, the South Western Command was formed. He declared an all-out war against Pakistan forces. During the Liberation War, the Government of Bangladesh in exile took oath at Mujibnagar Amrakanan in Meherpur district, formed a provisional government and declared the People's Republic of Bangladesh as the provisional capital. During the War of Liberation, there are records of face-to-face battles between the Pakistan Army and the Liberation Army at Meherpur. .

On February 26, 1984, Meherpur was separated from Kushtia and given the status of an independent district.

বাংলাদেশ এর প্রথম অস্থায়ী রাজধানী ঐতিহাসিক মেহেরপুর-মুজিবনগর 1

Meherpur is a small district of Bangladesh. This district is very lush and beautiful. Meherpur municipality has been considered as the model municipality of Bangladesh several times. Moreover, one of the most attractive aspects of Meherpur Sharah is that the roads are very clean, here the main town is kept clean by sweeping every morning. Besides, there are many traditional places, food etc. in Meherpur.

Interesting place of Meherpur:

  • Mujibnagar Memorial
  • - Mujibnagar (English: Mujibnagar) is a historical place located in Meherpur district. The capital of the first provisional government of Bangladesh was here. It was here that the Council of Ministers of the then Baidyanathtala government took oath on April 17 at Amrakanan in present day Mujibnagar. The Liberation War Memorial Complex has been built here to preserve the tradition of the first capital of Bangladesh.

  • Amzhupi Neelkuthi
  • – The then British Nilkuthi located in Meherpur district and archaeological sites of Bangladesh.[1] It is located in the village called Amjhupi, 6 km east of Meherpur district. Next to it is the river Kajla. It was the first conservation initiative taken in 1972 when Bangladesh was established after the cessation of indigo cultivation in the subcontinent. This archaeological site was initially used as an indigo temple, but gradually became the office of the East India Company. According to historians, this Nilakuti was most likely established in the 1800s.

    Some other places to visit are:

  • Meherpur Shaheed Memorial
  • Architecture of Amdah village
  • Siddheshwari Kali Temple
  • Bhatpara Neelkuthi
  • Bhavanandapur temple
  • Kalachandpur is the Dargah of Shah Valai
  • Ballabpur Church
  • Bhabarpara Roman Catholic Church
  • Naib Bari Mandir
  • Swami Nigmananda Saraswat Ashram

Meherpur's 150 year old traditional Vasudev sweets:

Once upon a time, two sweets named 'Savitri' and 'Rasakdamba' satisfied the taste buds of the British servants and zamindars of Meherpur. More than one hundred and fifty years have passed since then. But its taste has not changed. Still equally popular is the traditional Vasudeva dessert of Meherpur.
It is known that Vasudev Saha, a resident of Meherpur, invented this sweet in 1861 during the British rule. Meherpur was the East India Company's commercial town among the five subdivisions of Nadia district in undivided India. As a result, within a short period of time, the recognition and popularity of this unique and unique sweet spread throughout Nadia district. The special feature of this sweet is that it does not have juice like other sweets. They can be stored for about six months at certain temperatures. Interestingly, the older they get, the better their taste. As a result, it can be stored for a long time and eaten.

Besides, Meherpur has some famous sweet shops,

Gias Confectionery Store: Various types of sweets are available here. Ghia's Confectionery is famous for its sweets.

Saim Confectionery Store: The shop is known for its good Jilapi. Besides, hot sweets are available here in the evening.

Rasgolla of Shyampur: Rasgolla of Shyampur is very famous and traditional. The rasgollas here are half kg to one kg each. And not only is it big, its taste is incomparable.

Prominent personality:

  • M. A. Hannan – Posthumously awarded Freedom Award for his contribution to the Liberation War
  • Shah Alam – Awarded Posthumous Independence Award for Contribution to Sports
  • Imrul Kayes- Cricketer, Bangladesh National Team
  • Bhavanand Majumdar – Founder of Nadia royal family
  • Dinendrakumar Roy – Writer
  • Rakhi Gulzar – Actress
  • Balaram Hari – Social reformer, saint
  • Jagadishwar Gupta – Vaishnava Padaktar
  • Krishnakanth Bhaduri – Poet
  • Abdul Hamid Kavyabinod – Literary
  • Munshi Sheikh Zamiruddin – Reformer
  • Ramani Mohan Mallick – Vaishnava Padaktar
  • Kiran Kumar Bose – Writer
  • Dr. Md. Mozammel Haque – Physicist and Educationist
  • Nurul Haque – Educationist
  • Prasenjit Bose Babua – Cultural personality
  • Swami Nigamananda – Reformer
  • Abdul Momin – Leader of labor movement in Bengal
  • Walil Hossain – freedom fighter who received the title of hero
  • Rafiqur Rashid – Writer
  • Abdullah Al Amin Comet – Author
  • Tozammel Azam – Journalist, writer
  • Mozaffar Hossain – Writer
  • Eternal Nippon – Author
  • Asif Azim – Model, actor
  • Professor Abdul Mannan – Prominent politician, former Member of Parliament

Transportation: From Dhaka to Meherpur by direct non-stop bus. Buses have good facilities of both AC/Non AC types of buses. To provide fare, bus name and ticket booking Click here

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