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10 tips to do if you can't sleep

The Dhaka Times Desk Sleep is an essential human function. If it is irregular or absent at all, it can lead to various health problems. So you need to know what to do if you can't sleep.

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According to the advice of the doctor, you should sleep at least 6 hours daily. But if it is less or more, it will definitely never be good for health. Many people do not sleep at all. So what to do if you can't sleep at all. We don't know those things. So let's take a look at this today.

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Lack of sleep can cause many problems. Many take sleeping pills because they can't sleep. This is not correct at all. If there is no sleep, the body may experience various symptoms. Doctors say that lack of sleep is not a disease, but if there is no sleep, various diseases can attack.

What to do if you can't sleep?

Many people are seen taking sleeping pills because they can't sleep. In this way, taking sleeping pills has become such a situation that without taking sleeping pills there is no sleep at all. But later it is seen that before you used to take 1 pill it was working but later it is seen that taking 2 pills is not working. Because your body has proven it. And so if you do not sleep, you can take other methods.

Sad man holding pillow

1. You do some hard work in the evening.

2. Don't be in any tension.

3. Do not sleep in the afternoon under any circumstances.

4. Go to sleep by 11 o'clock at the latest instead of staying up late at night.

5. Avoid devices like TV-radio or computer (at least at night).

6. Go to sleep on your own without gossiping with others in the room.

7. Turn off the light.

8. If it's a hot day, you can take a bath before going to bed at night. It will bring sleep.

9. Try not to take sleeping pills under any circumstances.

10. You can try eating some juice like food before going to bed at night.

In this way, you do something different from previous habits. And it will work best if you do some hard work in the evening. Because people get tired if they work hard. Sleep then attacked him effortlessly. By following these simple rules, you can get rid of the problem of insomnia. However, if you find that you are not sleeping night after night, then consult a doctor.

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