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Treat migraines like magic with salt!

The Dhaka Times Desk Migraine sufferers know what it's like to have a headache. But a very simple thing is to remove the pain of migraine like magic with salt. Learn how to do it.

salt & the pain

Only those who have migraines know what causes a headache. Once a headache starts, it can ruin your entire day. Not only that, but some people's migraines don't go away with simple painkillers. What do they do? Salt can do them a huge favor. How to use salt? Let us know about that today.

Migraine sufferers must have already tried many ways to relieve migraine pain. But nothing is working. Once the migraine pain starts, no pain killers work. Many also have health problems that restrict the use of pain killers. But a simple method using salt can work well for you.

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Who is forbidden to use salt?

First of all, it is necessary to know who should not use salt. Many people experience high blood pressure when they have a migraine. Consuming salt can increase their risk of high blood pressure. However, they can drink celery juice to reduce migraine pain. Because it contains a type of sodium that does not increase blood pressure and also helps reduce migraine pain.

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How to use salt

If you want to reduce migraine by using salt, you must use high quality salt instead of ordinary table salt. Eg: Himalayan Crystal Salt. The specialty of this salt is that it contains 84 minerals, electrolytes and elements. This salt not only reduces migraines, but also strengthens your body's immune system. Increases energy, regulates serotonin levels in the blood, helps maintain acid-base balance in the body.

This method of using salt is very simple. Make a mixture with a glass of lemon juice (or any fruit juice of your choice) with plenty of salt. Then drink it. You will see that migraine pain will disappear like magic.

As mentioned earlier, patients with high blood pressure must not drink this salt mixture. Those who have ulcers or gastric problems should also avoid drinking lemon or this naturally acidic juice.

So in general, those who have migraine headaches can benefit from drinking salt water when the headache starts as per the above rules.

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