The Dhaka Times
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He lost a record 98 pounds in one year!

The Dhaka Times Desk Rachel Reid, a woman from Scotland, lost 98 pounds in one year and caused a stir around the world. The mother of two gained a lot of weight during childbirth. Later, on the advice of a doctor, he undertook his own weight loss efforts and was successful.

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Rachel Reid was very embarrassed about her abnormal weight. The doctor even told her that if she did not lose her weight, she would face various physical problems. As a result, she joined Biss Slimming Center in January 2014 and to everyone's surprise, she has recently passed the tough neom from the slimming center and has lost about 98 pounds and has a great slim figure.

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Rachel Reid is 25 years old but she doesn't look like she is a mother of two and she was at an abnormal weight a few days ago! Recently she published her past and present pictures which many women can be inspired by. Below are the pictures.

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formula- The Daily Mail

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