The Dhaka Times
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Nurses dance: That's again in the hospital ward! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk which was never heard before. There have been incidents of taking selfies with patients in the hospital before. But this is an exceptional case. Nurses danced in the hospital ward!

Nurses Dance, hospital

Hospital patients were shocked. Can nurses ever do such a thing? The incident was like this - a group of nurses in the general ward got into a stick game. At the same time, let's go wild! Nurses dance among the stupefied patients. Such cases in government hospitals! The Sola Hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India has come under the headlines for such a breach of discipline.

According to news media, last Tuesday's incident. A new dialysis service was launched in the hospital that day. Gujarat Health Minister Nitin Patel inaugurated this new service. After the inauguration ceremony of the new dialysis center, the nurses' celebration started in the general ward. A group of nurses danced with sticks. The incident of such dance of nurses was broadcasted on some news channels and the administration was shaken.

This news reached the health department. A show-cause notice was immediately issued to 40 hospital staff. Health Minister Nitin Patel has also ordered an investigation into the incident.

The superintendent of the hospital, A.H.K. Bhavsar, was supposed to be embarrassed, but he did not feel embarrassed and claimed, 'Nurses made a big party by putting smiles on the faces of the patients!'

Watch the video

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VIRAL VIDEO – Ahmedabad Sola Civil Hospital Staff play Garba in ICU ward, Staff gets notice

Posted by GSTV on Tuesday, 20 October 2015

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