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NASA will fly the largest balloon in the sky

The Dhaka Times Desk The US space agency (NASA) will fly the largest balloon in the sky. New Zealand plans to launch a large-scale scientific balloon flight.

NASA's biggest balloon overhead

It is reported that this balloon will fly from New Zealand next month. NASA's program team is now researching how high the balloon can be expanded. Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) technology will be used to fly this balloon.

According to a report, NASA experts are planning the fourth flight of the 532,000 cubic meter balloon from the South Island resort of Wanaka, New Zealand. NASA's goal is to develop balloons that can fly for long periods of time.

According to media reports, the balloon is being made with the thought that it can stay in the sky for up to 100 days. The stadium-sized, pumpkin-shaped balloon is expected to take off on April 1.

This super pressure balloon is made of polythene film over an area of 8 hectares. The balloon will start flying at an altitude of 33.5 km. The balloon will start flying in the Eastward region of New Zealand with trekking, communication and scientific equipment weighing 1,25 kg. It is expected that this balloon will circumnavigate the globe once in three weeks by water. It is said that this walk will depend on the wind speed and the stratosphere.

It is to be noted that earlier in 2009 SPB balloon has the highest flight record of 54 days.

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