The Dhaka Times
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IS militants destroyed 800 million cash!

The Dhaka Times Desk About 800 million dollars in cash funds of IS militants have been destroyed - claimed the US military authorities. US Major General Peter Gersten working in Baghdad recently made this claim.

8 hundreds of millions in cash, IS

He told the media that this fund of IS militants was destroyed in at least 20 airstrikes. That is why the rate of fighters leaving IS has increased. The number of new hires also decreased. However, he did not clarify how he came to know about the amount of funds.

US Major General Gersten also said that at least 150 million dollars were destroyed after a house was bombed in Mosul, Iraq. US aircraft have been targeting IS stockpiles and warehouses for quite some time.

He said, various intelligences combined showed that a huge amount of cash of IS has been destroyed in the last few days. He said that the amount of this money will be between 500 and 800 million dollars. However, they do not have any accurate information about the amount of ISA assets. However, after seizing the oil wells, IS announced a $2 billion budget last year. The surplus was two hundred and fifty million dollars. Soon after, US airstrikes targeting IS warehouses were intensified.

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