The Dhaka Times
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Leftover food market in the capital itself!

The Dhaka Times Desk Throwing away leftover food is commonly heard. But no one seems to have heard that this leftover food is sold in the market again. But now it is happening!

leftovers Food

11 o'clock or 11:30 every night is not too late, it is not too late to sit in the market. 30 to 35 shopkeepers sat in the market with food. Bikikini of the market continues till 4 am. The market ended before daylight. Below the Helena Center on New Eskaton Road in the capital, this haat is completely different from other haats in the city. Leftover food stalls sit here every night. In this market sitting in the neon lights of the street, shopping is going on more or less all night. This news has been published by Dainik Bangladesh Pratid.

Even though this market is open every night, it is busy on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays of the week. Other nights are average. Although it is a surplus food market, the variety of food in the shops here is noticeable. A shopkeeper is selling chicken biryani and another shopkeeper is selling kacchi biryani. In addition to this, almost all types of gourmet food, including chicken, beef, phirni, can be found in this market!

The shopkeepers sat under the Helena Center with almost the same variety of food in baskets. They sold their food until dawn. The two who were sitting with food got up when they saw some people crowding under the Helena Center while passing through Iskaton Road around 3pm on Thursday. He got scared and moved away. When he wanted to take a picture, he went further back. After getting close to Abhay, we talked. The name of one of them. Shah Alam (42) is another Md. Russell Mia (31), speaking to these two, it is said that they wash dishes for various decorators in the community centers of the capital for weddings, gaye halal, birthdays. He collected the leftover food from these events and brought it to this market.

It is also said in the news of the newspaper that if you want to know how much is sold every day, Md. Shah Alam said, on the day fresh food is available, four to five hundred taka are sold. Moreover, sometimes three hundred, three and a half hundred taka are sold. When asked which fresh food, he said, uneaten food. A lot of food is added on these occasions. Many give them to us. But food is not available every day. Shah Alam said that he has been selling food at this market for five years. He said about the buyers in this market, they sell this food to CNG drivers, rickshaw drivers, van drivers, night guards, tea-cigarette sellers. The price of food is 10 to 40 rupees maximum. The price is set according to what one can eat.

For the past two years, Md. sat in this food market. Russell. He said, 'Many journalists also eat food while stopping the car. But if there is fresh food, I give it, or I don't give it. Will they eat any more food?

Russell said, when the sale of food is low, many shopkeepers pass it to people on the street. Every day many street children also come to take food. When no one comes, they throw the food in the dustbin. Mutual Trust Bank booth is next to Helena Center. The security guard of this booth said that if he sees good food, he also buys food from them. In his words 'low class people come here.'

Not long ago, the rickshaw driver Soban Mia ate 15 taka chicken meat. When asked, he said, 'When I get a chance, I eat Aisa here. If the food is hot, it can be eaten with great satisfaction. Oil food, or can't be eaten.'

Even in this day and age news like this really surprises us. There is still a situation in the society where hospitality is done by preparing lavish food. Again, many people do not see this food. It is also seen that someone is spending the day without eating. Is such a society desirable to us? Who will sleep on the money in the palace and who will not eat for lack of money, can it be desired by anyone?

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