The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: Arabic Cuisine Delicious 'Kunafa'

Arabic food 'Kunafa' is a delicious dish that we can easily prepare and serve with our family, friends, relatives.

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have for you the recipe of Arabic food delicious 'Kunafa'. It is very easy to make. Let's know how to make this delicious kunafa.


  • Laccha semai- 1 packet
  • Condensed milk- 1/2 cup
  • Condensed milk- 1 cup
  • Malai- 1/2 cup
  • Fresh cream- 1 tbsp
  • Cashews, pistachios, groundnuts, raisins-
    3 tbsp
  • Butter- 2 tbsp
  • Sugar- 1 cup
  • রেসিপি: আরবীয় খাবার সুস্বাদু 'কুনাফা' 1

    Method of Preparation:

    Boil enough water and sugar in a pan and make a thick syrup. In a bowl, mix the butter and condensed milk well. Now in the meantime mix it well once again with condensed milk, fresh cream, almonds, raisins. Brush butter on the cake mold and spread a layer of this semai.

    Now spread another layer of semai on top of this layer. Layer it like this. Put a little more amount of malai on the topmost layer. Bake in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes and pour into a serving dish. Now pour sugar syrup over it. Now garnish with dry fruits or sugar balls and serve.

    Recipe: Dilara Parveen Rikta

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