The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Is the strict discipline of parents positive or negative for us?

দি ঢাকা টাইমস্‌ ডেস্ক ॥ আমাদের দেশে বাবা মায়ের এই অনুশাসনটি তুলনামুলক অন্য দেশের চেয়ে বেশি। কখনো কখনো এই অনুশাসন মানসিক চাপের কারণ হয়ে থাকে। বিস্তারিত পড়ুন...

An old mother was left in a sack by her child!

The Dhaka Times Desk 'There is no one who is yours than your mother, in this world, you can find peace if you take your mother's name in your mouth...'. Can't find a person who doesn't support this lyric. But this time the child of such an unfortunate mother has been found. Those who sack their mother...
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