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This discovery is a drug to reduce aging!

We try hard to reduce the age. We want to live longer at any cost

The Dhaka Times Desk Who does not want to keep the age down? What we do to reduce age! But from now on you don't have to stress anymore to reduce age. This discovery is a drug to reduce aging!

এবার আবিষ্কার হলো বয়স কমানোর ওষুধ! 1

We try hard to reduce the age. When we see that drinking the juice of such a tree reduces age, we try to do the same. In short, we want to live longer at any cost. However, even if the matter is unrealistic, retaining youth is not science fiction at all these days. It is possible in reality and it is possible only for the sake of science. The reason is that anti-aging drugs have been discovered in the laboratories of the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Medicines that will actually slow you down.

A group of researchers from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia has discovered a drug to prevent aging. As a result of this drug can change the way people live and die! Researchers have claimed so.

Recently, the head of the research team, the university professor Dr. Ken O'Brien told the media about this new discovery. He said that the initial formula found is possible to make 60-year-old body cells 40-year-old! He claimed that through this discovered drug it will be possible to prevent DNA mutation diseases like cancer, heart disease, cholesterol and arthritis.

এবার আবিষ্কার হলো বয়স কমানোর ওষুধ! 2Prof. busy with research. Ken O'Brien and his team

Professor Dr. According to Ken O'Brien, the drug will soon be manufactured. He said that this discovered drug will be used experimentally on humans by next year. The new research, if successful in human trials, would be a breakthrough in antiaging. Researchers are very optimistic about this research.

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