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High energy batteries are made from sugar

The Dhaka Times Desk Sugar is no substitute for sweetening foods. Many delicious foods are unimaginable without sugar. Think about what takes sugar. All the interesting food is floating in front of the eyes, isn't it? You will be surprised to know that this sugar is used to make batteries that are more powerful than lithium-ion batteries.


A recent paper in the journal Nature Communications describes the development of a biobattery that uses sugar as an energy source. In this battery, the chemical energy of sugar will be converted into electrical energy. It is basically a type of Enzymatic Fuel Cell (EFC). Electrobiochemical devices that produce energy from materials such as starch and glycogen. It burns sugar in a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy. This sugar biobattery can store approximately 596 ampere-hours/kg of energy. That is, 596 amperes of electricity will be produced per hour from each kilogram of sugar.


Currently, lithium-ion batteries are rated at 42 ampere-hours/kg. Sugar biobatteries will undoubtedly be able to operate much longer than lithium-ion batteries. Besides, the production cost of this battery will be lower. It can be reused by refueling. It is environmentally friendly as it is non-combustible. More research is going on with this battery. Its cost is expected to decrease further and its lifespan will be longer.

Such a source of electricity is promising in these times of power crisis. It will play an important role in meeting the increasing demand of electricity. Now just waiting for commercial production.

Reference: live science

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