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Discover a strange tree to repel mosquitoes!

The Dhaka Times Desk All of us are disturbed by mosquito bites. Coils or aerosol sprays are needed to repel mosquitoes. However, scientists have discovered a strange tree to repel mosquitoes.

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You can use this plant to repel mosquitoes, which was discovered to prevent mosquito bites. The reason is that mosquito bites are not only annoying, but mosquito bites can cause all kinds of terrible diseases. This mosquito is spreading various terrible diseases including malaria, Zika virus.

We have never heard of a plant to repel mosquitoes. However, American scientists have discovered a really strange tree. The name of this plant is citronella, you can easily plant the plant in the balcony or in the tub in the house. Does not require much water or fertilizer. This tree lives for many years.

The discovered plant emits a fragrance that mosquitoes absolutely dislike. Mosquitoes don't want to touch this tree when they smell this smell - they run away. The plant is also known to be useful in drought prevention.

Only 6/7 such trees are capable of keeping an acre free from mosquitoes. So those who are fed up with mosquitoes can plant two or three citronella plants around the house or on the balcony of the flat. However, there are also difficulties. This tree is also available in our country. You may find it if you look at the nursery near you.

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