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How to make delicious Honey Glazed Fried Chicken

The Dhaka Times Desk Chicken fry is a fun dish for people of all ages. But nowadays, various types of chicken fries are available in restaurants. Honey Glazed Fried Chicken is one of them. Today I will learn how to make Honey Glazed Fried Chicken at home. To know more read details -

Recipe: Yummy Savory Eggplant Bahar

The Dhaka Times Desk Eggplant occupies a special place in our food list. Not just bharta, bhaji or jhol, main dishes can be made with brinjal. So let's see how to make delicious eggplant bahar. To know more read details -

Recipe: Kashmiri Mango Pickle

The Dhaka Times Desk Raw mango means a variety of delicious pickles. Because more or less we all love to eat pickles. Today we have a recipe for making mango Kashmiri pickle for you. To know more read details -
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