The Dhaka Times
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Panam Nagar is a symbol of tradition

The Dhaka Times Desk You are busy in city life. So want to travel outside the city for a while. And if it happens on a special day, on a special occasion, it doesn't matter. His fun is different. So you can easily visit the historical Panam Nagar.…

A different capital without traffic!

The Dhaka Times Desk A different kind of empty capital! A different kind of empty capital was seen today. Eid and Durga Puja combined 5 days holiday ends today. There is no traffic jam in the capital. No noise of people. A different capital was seen, free of empty traffic. Details…

Flood water has started entering the capital

The Dhaka Times Desk The flood situation across the country remains unchanged. Meanwhile, flood water has started entering the capital. On Monday around noon yesterday, a connecting road was broken and the water of the nearby Balu River entered the Basabor Mothertake Sheikh's place in the city.